It overthrows hatches, stocks cupboards, and secures all secular possessions Voxels The office as a team is taking precautions to prepare for the long-term cryptocurrency winter.
To survive the latest storm, voxels Pause casting Postpone the introduction of new islands and lots, as well as new features and partnerships. Instead, they choose to tweak and improve their core products to provide the best possible immersive experience on the platform.
Currently, Voxel currently owns 428 lots of prime real estate and will drip feed this to the long-awaited community at a rate of 5 lots per week. This means that there is good enough juicy NFT to sustain sales until mid-2024.
In addition, to further secure profitability Voxel empire, It also took a difficult step to reduce its workforce. As a result, we reluctantly let go of some of our limited-time contractors, but maintain all of our current full-time staff assignments.
Voxels will survive this winter with fewer staff, but everything will be slower.
There are no new islands, new partnerships, new features. It just improves the product, makes it more reliable, and speeds up rendering. Foxus and Yofolk development will also be very slow.
Voxels (@cryptovoxels) July 20, 2022
However, despite this uncertain period, Voxels will continue to do its best, with a full focus on building the platform and improving the overall experience, while providing an interesting way to do it these days. Annoying NFT World Project..
Browse voxel parcels >> here
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* All investment / financial opinions expressed by NFT Plaza are from the site moderator’s personal research and experience and are intended as educational material only. Individuals need to thoroughly investigate every product before making any kind of investment.
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