Matty Greenspan joined WUBITS as a Senior Advisor. press statement.
Greenspan advises web3 social platforms on how to accelerate user adoption and trends in emerging markets.
Albert Mashadev, CEO of WUBITS, said Greenspan’s addition to the team will enable the team to “accelerate the growth of SoFi (Social Finance) using Web3 and WUBIT’s innovative crypto content monetization model. “It will help.”
Greenspan said of the appointment:
Web3 is about to completely change the way we interact online. One of the biggest features of the old internet that needs to be overhauled most urgently is social mediaWUBITS is committed to helping people find valuable content. We have a great vision to own and monetize in innovative ways.
Meanwhile, David Mavashev, co-founder of the web3 social media platform, added that the social media platform is less susceptible to political censorship than web2 social media platforms such as YouTube. Instead, WUBITS is focused on “enabling content publishers to leverage and monetize their thoughts, ideas, and opinions directly from stakeholders without relying on advertising.” increase.
Greenspan is the founder and CEO of Quantum Economics, a leading research and advisory firm in the cryptocurrency space, and a licensed money manager in the European Union. He is also one of the authors of “The Complete Guide to Fintech Investing”.