(Kitco News) Markets are crashing and the massive price collapse Robert Kiyosaki predicted is here, the best-selling author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” tweeted.
All markets are crashing: real estate, stocks, gold, bitcoin silver, he said this week. The middle class has been wiped out by rising oil inflation. Still, the rich are getting richer. Its the head, not the wallet. Change whats in your head firstthen get rich Let’s become.”
Not in your wallet!? What is it in your head? Crash of all markets: real estate, stocks, gold and silver bitcoin. The middle class was wiped out by rising oil inflation. Still, the rich are getting richer. The difference is the head, not the wallet. Change what’s in your head first…and become richer.
therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) August 27, 2022
Kiyosaki told his followers to take advantage of the opportunity to buy real estate, gold, silver and bitcoin at discounted prices.
“2008 was a great time to get rich. Everything was for sale. I borrowed a few million dollars to buy a real estate bargain. and predicted a bigger crash was coming, and that crash is here. Millions of people will be wiped out. One of them. Time will get richer,” he said. said in a tweet.
2008 was a great year to get rich. Everything was for sale. Borrowed millions of dollars to purchase real estate bargains. In 2013 I published a Rich Dad prophecy that predicted a bigger crash to come. Here is that crash. Hundreds of thousands will be swept away. Pls don’t be one of them. Time to get rich.
therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) August 28, 2022
The recent selloff in the market was sparked by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s speech at Friday’s Jackson Hole symposium.
Powell also warned that there would be “some pain for households and businesses” that would be “an unfortunate price to pay for keeping inflation under control.”
Stocks plunged for a third day in a row on Tuesday after Powell’s comments. Meanwhile, Bitcoin fell below $20,000 and gold fell to nearly $1,730 an ounce.
Kiyosaki is known for calling for stockpiling of undervalued assets. In mid-June, Kiyosaki also gave investment advice on how to weather this highly inflationary environment, telling his followers to stock up on canned tuna.
“Best investment: canned tuna. Inflation is about to start. The best investment is canned tuna and baked beans. You can’t eat gold, silver and bitcoin. You can eat canned tuna and baked beans. Food is the most important.” The next problem is hunger. Invest in solutions. Be careful,” he said.
Best investment: canned tuna. Inflation is about to start. The best investments are canned tuna and baked beans. You can’t eat gold, silver, or bitcoin. You can eat canned tuna and baked beans. Food is most important. The next problem of hunger. Invest in solutions. Be careful.
therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) June 13, 2022
According to Kiyosaki, the best time to get rich is when asset prices crash. When cryptocurrencies began crashing in May, he described the decline as “great news” and said, “A crash is the perfect time to get rich.”
Bitcoin crash. great news. Waiting for Bitcoin to crash to 20,000 as mentioned in a previous tweet. After that, we wait to test the bottom, which could be $17,000. Back up the truck when you know it’s bottoming out. Crash is the perfect time to get rich. Be careful.
therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) May 12, 2022
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