Bitcoin (BTC) investment company NYDIG report It revealed that 35.1% of Bitcoin’s core developer team resides in the United States, and that the core team is growing by 5 to 20 people each month.
Since its inception in January 2009, there are countless developers who have actively participated in updating, maintaining and expanding the Bitcoin network. The NYDIG report examines the technological developments of this open source technology.
Development team size
According to the report, 13,057 unique developers have contributed to the broader Bitcoin ecosystem, excluding those working on closed-source solutions. Meanwhile, another of his 1,140 unique developers have contributed to Bitcoin Core.
Bitcoin Core’s monthly average number of active unique developers fluctuates between 40 and 60. In the wider ecosystem, the same number ranges from 600 to 1000.

Changes in both numbers show a significant correlation with Bitcoin’s price cycle.
Demographics of the developer team
The identities of most developers are unknown, but their geodata is accessible.
NYDIG independently investigated each developer’s location and found that the majority (35.1%) resided in the United States.

Germany and the Netherlands are second and third behind the United States with 13.3% and 8.9% respectively. The UK also ranked her in the top 10 with 3.2% placing her in 7th place.
The report also shows that the core developer team is growing by 5 to 20 people each month, while the number of developers contributing to the broader ecosystem grows at a much faster rate as prices move. said that
The figure also examines developer age data, revealing that more than half of the contributions are from developers who have joined since the 2017 bull market.
Early developer team
Satoshi Nakamoto announced Bitcoin technology on October 31, 2008, by sending an email to a mailing list made up of crypto enthusiasts called the “Cryptography Mailing List.” The first public test version of Bitcoin was made available on January 8, 2009.
Satoshi mined the Genesis Block on January 12, 2009 and sent 10 Bitcoins to computer scientist Hal Finney, who was part of the early developer team. In the years that followed, numerous crypto enthusiasts joined the team, including Laszlo Hanyecz, who bought two pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins at the time.
Satoshi was actively contributing and updating the code until the end of 2010. After he distanced himself from the project, the role of project leader and his GitHub admin was split between several others, changing hands every few years.