And just like that, the pride flag disappears from the corporate logo.

Defending diversity and inclusion should be the responsibility of all
They were there.
We all saw them.
Twitter has a brilliant response with LGBTQ + support. That month, the buildings of major European cities were lit up in rainbow colors.
Even Uber has a rainbow-colored line that shows the track the car is heading for you.
Did maintaining this approval all year round killed us?
Changing your avatar or adding a color splash to your LinkedIn banner isn’t the same as going to battle. The effort is minimal.
Will you kill us to keep it?
Will more do kill us?
The problem is that everything that becomes an “initiative” is wrapped in itself.
A small parcel that is evidence of goodwill, measured by behavior rather than result. Good intentions regardless of the result.
Imagine that managing P & L was a “best effort” initiative that was the responsibility of only part of the business. Imagine that the use of solvents was not the responsibility of everyone in the business.
What does it look like?
You can’t imagine that, right?
of course not.
It’s impossible to imagine a business that isn’t implicitly responsible for driving revenue and managing costs When Clearly woven into all work and function.
It’s you who are split and split definite responsibility.
Helen here is tasked with finding the right people to sell more and manage better. David over there is responsible for selling financial services to banks and you are responsible for selling loans to consumers. Kate is tasked with selling the loan to the company, and fellow Kevin on the other side of the room is responsible for keeping the books to make sure we’re doing the right thing in a balanced way. Even ants, who primarily make adjustments to bond coupons, know how they fit into the grand plan of things.
If my job is to sell a loan to consumers, it’s not possible for Clive to ruin my job from a company and try to sell a loan more than he expects to help him on the syndication side. I don’t expect it.
Each of us contributes to the mission through a small piece of the puzzle.
Do you know where I’m going with this?
If diversity and inclusion are not the responsibility of everyone, and equality is not always the responsibility, it is just a series of initiatives that do not exceed the sum. Their part.
Indeed, we hear you say, we are all responsible for our actions.
Indeed, recruitment managers actively build a diverse talent pipeline, individual leaders actively pursue the difference between equality and shield, stop microaggression on their trucks, and people from different disciplines. Promote a prosperous environment.
Sure, yes, there are many managers who do just that.
But again, and certainly as well, if everyone did everything, we wouldn’t have to have an initiative. There is no problem to solve.
If all goes well, you don’t need to publicly show your efforts to improve diversity and inclusion.If this wasn’t the case No Certainly it happens naturally, but our own workforce and corporate culture are their own trivial truths.
So don’t of course myself.
The pride is over. But for LGBTQ + people, the struggle for access, inclusion, and a life of indisputable dignity and freedom has not ended in victory, despite your beautiful iridescent flags and straps. Black History Month comes and goes every year, but there is no real systematic change in our institutions or boardrooms, not to mention the implicit racism of public discourse. For International Women’s Day … The joke “Women open all the doors” begins just as an avalanche of the corporate image hits our screen. Insulting the injuries that 50% of the population has to defend the simple idea that they need access, I don’t know, but 50% and 14% of female representatives It may be better than the industry average, but there are more women than men, I don’t know … I’m out on the limbs and I’m going to say it’s pretty poor.
And why do we do all this?
It’s easier than an alternative.
Who openly says I don’t support the (sadly, correctly) modified diversity by the amazing Virginie O’Shea, who recently pointed out that there are companies in the crypto world that do just that. I said no.
So do you think we should count our blessings?
Or should we just say Enough??
Since this is friction, it is divided into three parts.
- Admitting that there was a problem and that we needed to uphold the rights of a particular group was not surprising and not a concession.It came after a long and bitter battle, and it came only after those battles won When And this is important opening the door to what is normally excluded has proven to be a good business.So I won the battle When Business cases were piled up. Both establishments had to play well and then stood to profit. And still.
- Groups whose rights are celebrated through social media campaigns and slogans, but appear to have few statistical footprints … these groups aren’t really a minority, especially when considering crossing. Exclusions aren’t just the words we want to use. That is a fact. More groups do not enjoy fair access and fair treatment than those who do. And still.
- Diversity and inclusion remain a constructive and bright initiative. They say the right thing and have a budget for events, lectures and training. They help people get better and help organizations master the language they face prejudice. Please be aware of it. Do something for that. They represent a clear and open approval that things need to be fixed. What they don’t have is the obligation to make that fix. It’s a bit like profitability or cost control, as modifications have to be the responsibility of everyone. Moreover, they are not responsible for the areas in which they can put their ideas into practice. It’s like saying someone is in charge of cooking, but you don’t give them a kitchen. You hold them responsible for painting the house, but you don’t give them walls.
Because it’s easy.
It’s easier than the alternative.
Instead of saying OK. This is bad. And it’s bad for those who are doing it.
These are not victimless crimes.
There are people who are affected in various ways, large and small.
And, by extension, these are not acts without performers.
And this is the elephant in this room. There aren’t enough rhetoric, logos, or training courses to counter the daily behavior of eliminating, reducing, or hostile people who aren’t here for some reason.
It cannot be fixed “over there”.
You need to fix it where it’s happening. With the people who are doing it and the people who are making it happen, whether they are conscious or not.
And you have to do it every day until it’s like you, and you no longer have to tell us “how important it is to do more” to you.
Oh … but you don’t want to hunt witches, right? Listen to people say.
No, absolutely not.
The witch was an innocent woman, so she was alienated, ridiculed, and hurt by something different.
all right.
So maybe witch hunting is exactly what we have.
So maybe, maybe, don’t change the logo next time. Change the person responsible for this. And that … everyone. Let’s see where it takes us.
Leda Glyptis is a Provocate of Resident Thinking in FinTech Futures. She leads, writes, lives and breathes transformation and digital turmoil.
SHe is a recovering banker, an expired scholar, and a long-term resident of the banking ecosystem. She is the Chief Customer Officer of 10x Future Technologies.
All opinions are her own. You can’t have them-but you welcome discussions and comments!
Follow Leda on Twitter @LedaGlyptis When LinkedIn..