Throughout 2022, blockchain innovation continued to become mainstream. To celebrate the work done in this year of his Cardano Foundation hosted the Cardano Summit 2022. Topics discussed included the future of blockchain, its sustainability, and more.
It’s been a turbulent year for cryptocurrency and blockchain. After hitting all-time highs last November, the ensuing crypto bear market, along with the various crashes and hacks that have been seen in his past year, have put investor confidence on an emotional roller coaster. brought
Despite these circumstances, the Cardano Foundation held an event in Lausanne, Switzerland from Saturday, November 19th to Monday, November 21st. The event had over 100,000 attendees (including virtual), 80+ speakers, 50+ locations, 40+ sessions, and 15+ workshops. Speaking of its success, Fintech Times sat with Frederick Gregard, CEO of the Cardano Foundation. He explained how the event served as an escape from the mayhem he experienced in the fourth quarter of 2022.

There has been a lot of turmoil in the world over the past year, with cryptocurrencies dropping 80% in value, regulatory uncertainty and rounds. There were 1,200 people from all over the world who spent their money and their time to go to expensive Switzerland, to the small city of Lausanne, and the only thing they wanted. Did we talk about how we build, grow, and work together in hopes of changing the world?
“Based on the media and information twitter And with all this, part of me thought that this might not meet our expectations. People offered resources and said, “What can we do?” Everyone’s posture shouted “Let’s make it!” ‘Let’s do this! ‘ It was completely shocking.
first day It all culminated in the evening when guests enjoyed the inaugural Cardano Summit Awards ceremony, seeing presentations and updates from the people who build Cardano.Topics discussed included blockchain and the future of technology for good
The panel titled Blockchain and Banking: The Future of Financial Services explored how technology is integrated into banking and financial services.
panelists included Jasek TorzmirBusiness Development Officer coin farm; Godfrey ShuragoManaging Partner of FiveT Fintech. Ramin BrahimiManaging Partner and Co-Founder of Taurus SA; Christian LauSenior Vice President, Crypto and Fintech Enablement Europe master CardWhen Dominic castleCMO, Managing Director Signum Bank. It was Moderated by Sandro KnpfelHead of Financial and Regulatory Authority of the Cardano Foundation.
The panel agreed that trust needs to be built in a sector that lost it last year. We are half glass entrepreneurs and need to rebuild it ASAP.
Financial institutions need to understand how blockchain analytics and AML work. These organizations cannot ignore the fact that they have clients who want to acquire digital assets from crypto-related entities. And that’s where companies like us are needed.
The day was followed by other panels analyzing the impact of blockchain on the environment, with a panel entitled “Blockchain for good” and another later in the day, “Value Chains Focused on Climate in the Age of Web3”. There was a panel called They discussed how web3 is connecting changemakers around the world and making a measurable impact on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
This was in addition to discovering how climate-focused accounting methodologies, fintech initiatives, and digital solutions can interact with blockchain technology to solve pressing challenges.
Day 2 We provided a showcase of community projects built on Cardano, featuring workshops, presentations, panels, and more. Around mid-morning, as we celebrated the voting award winners, a panel titled Building Brands on Blockchain explored how panelists created products, brought them to market, and won audiences. explained.
In an era where support is essential for corporate success, the panelists strong dumpling Received the Cardano Summit Award for Educational Influencers , Lena When Issi (Claynation), When hosky Award-winning panelists from the NFT Project highlighted that the Cardano community has always provided support, encouragement, feedback, and camaraderie.
Hosky is a doggo-driven community and brand, ClayNation is women-driven, and Dumpling is food-driven. Cardano is very diverse and welcomes everyone here!
looking to the future
The Cardano Summit was a huge success. One of the main reasons for that was the in-depth conversations that took place. Here’s what Gregard thinks about the types of chats that happen at events like Summit:
The discussions are very relevant and very deep. Regulatory understanding, economic understanding, technical understandingunprecedented! Especially compared to 3-4 years ago.
The average person working on the Cardano blockchain asks me complex questions. This is so that I can go back to my company and explain the use cases for blockchain. And I think this is just amazing.”