Chainwire, London, United Kingdom, 18 August 2022
The team behind Ryuuko Tsuka, a revolutionary new wellness token, has launched Medicate2Earn. This token is inspired by the Dejitaru TSUKA token, which shares values especially around community spirit, collaboration and health. Tatsuko Tsuka will soon be moving into her community-run DAO, paying holders her USDC to participate in daily meditation and wellness activities.
Since its launch in late July, Ryuko Tsuka has been making headlines on social media for its innovative concept and strong community engagement. At her Twitter Spaces AMA on Aug. 15, the project announced details of its Medicate2Earn (M2E) service after revealing her female lead, Ryoko.
The RYUTSUKA token was devised mainly for two purposes. First, building a utility that makes a tangible difference in people’s lives in the form of wellness sessions. And second, in the spirit of collaboration, to offer valuable reflection payments on TSUKA, increase the holder base and increase its value.
Meditation2Earn kicks off with seven short videos, encouraging each owner to spend up to five minutes a day working on their health and mental health. As owners participate in these guided activities, they will earn points that will be converted to USDC and automatically airdropped into their wallet at the end of each calendar month. Ultimately, Ryuuko Tsuka creates her DAO, allowing communities to set up and manage their own personal programs.
We are very excited to begin the next phase of Ryuko Tsuka, said founder Ryoko. Cryptocurrencies can be a difficult and toxic place to exist and we really want to encourage people to take time to reflect. It’s just amazing what we achieved in two weeks, imagine what we can do in the next six months.
In just 2 weeks, RYUTSUKA members grew from 30 to over 500 members, and the rapid development of the development team attracted well-known cryptocurrency influencers such as @Bullrun_Gravano, @CryptoSlimer, @BITCOINTRAPPER, @Unclebobcrypto to the project. .
About Tsukaryuko (RYUTSKA)
Ryuuko Tsuka is an innovative project that encourages positive behavior. The advanced tokennomics model includes his 5% sales tax, most of which is retained as his USDC in his Medicate2Earn program, rewarding token holders for daily meditation. To date, over $60,000 of cryptocurrency has been distributed to his RYUSTUKA holders in the form of so-called auto-reflection payments.
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contact address
dragon fang, [emailprotected]TG: @ryutuka_portal