In the world of NFT regulation, Stefan Berger is a household name. The MEP has previously pushed for the Crypto Asset Market (MiCA) law and publicly criticized plans to apply all these laws comprehensively to NFTs. The move has positioned him as a key ally of his NFT community within the European Parliament.
Now Berger is making news of launching his own NFT representing a set of slides on OpenSea. This is his first official foray into tokenization in a private capacity, he explains, as groundbreaking as the stock market was introduced in the 17th century.
The representative NFT is Bergolettewhich will go on sale on August 15, 2022, offering what he calls digital freedom in your wallet.
“What was tradable yesterday is tokenized on the blockchain today. Yesterday I wore a bathing suit on my feet, and today I carry it in my purse. In the form of this NFT, he says.
According to Berger’s official website, Bergolettes were chosen for the NFT because they are the ideal summer gadgets and all development “starts from scratch”. The NFT was also designed by Berger himself, and the proceeds from the sale go to what he says is swimming promotion.
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Tokoni Uti has written extensively on blockchain and cryptocurrencies over the years. Her work has been featured on sites such as BTCmanager and Blockchain Reporter. She has a degree in Corporate Communications.