A major mobile-centric game developer, Game Storm StudioAnnounced an imminent arrival at the Web3 Arena, thanks to the highly efficient and sophisticated operation of the blockchain migration platform. Ready game network..
Through this powerful new collaboration, GameStorm integrates two of its most popular titles with blockchain technology. Therefore, the popular animal escapes “US Police Dog Mall Chase” and “PetCat SIMs” have both appeared in the world of Web3, representing two giant mobile apps, with a daily user base of 250,000. It is a person. Over 15 million downloads Between them.
#ReadyGames Affiliated with @GameStormStudio And ours #partnership Has already received a lot of attention # Web3 Media area.
We have our joint #blockchain #gaming Effort brings joy to many #players looking for #obtain To #playing.. https://t.co/JQPYxOFHQ6 pic.twitter.com/ehMvgjKvx6Ready Games Network (@TheReadyGames) July 7, 2022
The current level of blockchain technology in the two titles is still unknown. However, all the signs show NFT avatars and companions backed up by a token-based economy, providing an additional layer of immersiveness and interactivity for players to get stuck.
All this blockchain-based magic is in the hands of Ready Games’ highly efficient team. With an oiled machine, Rapid deployment of Web3 technology For mobile-focused titles. With a vast knowledge base, fine-tuned infrastructure, and an army of 40k beta testers, you can integrate Web3 dynamics into your existing titles within 30 days while still complying with the latest Google and Apple services.
Visit ReadyGames Network >> here
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