Spectacular Play to Earning Battle Arena, Chainless godsUnleashed a whole new way for players to accumulate that terrifying thing $ GODS coin. Knowledgeable people can now “bet” on hard-earned assets to generate additional tremendous rewards.
An innovative staking program called the “Dedication of the Gods” essentially rewards players for their participation in the unchained ecosystem of the gods. Weekly snapshots Next to the connected Immutable X wallet, we will distribute additional monthly $ GODS tokens based on the minimum number of coins held that week.
This compelling strategy eliminates the need for users to endure lockup periods or actively bet coins on specific pools. Rather, to participate, you need to achieve two very simple qualifying goals.First, they need to hold $ GODS Invariant X wallet Being connected to the Gods Unchained ecosystem, you then need to interact with one aspect of the platform at least once a week. Whether you’re playing a game, using a marketplace, or creating an NFT, you’ll have a conflict with the click of a button.
It’s called, we do a little staking, human. 1M $ GODS With rewards for all eligible GU citizens. If you are a GU citizen, drop
Gods Unchained (@GodsUnchained) July 4, 2022
This interesting new development within the Gods Unchained environment lasts for the first four months and drops a cool $ 1 million $ GODS token into the program.After that, I will introduce more Permanent staking mechanism.. However, the new initiative will retroactively reward long-standing investors in the project based on a series of snapshots taken after December 2021.
So take a moment to understand this amazing free gaming environment, and maybe get some delicious rewards along the way!
Dive into unchained gods >> here
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* All investment / financial opinions expressed by NFT Plaza are from the site moderator’s personal research and experience and are intended as educational material only. Individuals need to thoroughly investigate every product before making any kind of investment.

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