India’s M2P Fintech, which provides an API infrastructure that enables companies to embed financial products, has acquired the cloud lending platform Finflux.

M2P Fintech Acquires Finflux
Financial details have not been disclosed, but Indian era According to the report, it is “a $ 15 to $ 20 million cash and stock transaction.”
Founded in 2010, Bangalore-based Finflux’s cloud solutions include loan composition, loan management, financial accounting, market integration, app-based lending, alternative database credit scoring, financial dashboards, reports, and more. We provide services such as analysis.
Its customers include non-banks, microfinance companies, banks and fintechs.
With this acquisition, M2P Fintech aims to roll out “safe, scalable and cloud-enabled” lending products to help companies accelerate their digital transformation and workflow automation plans.
Madhusudanan R, co-founder of M2P Fintech, said:
Founded in 2014, M2P Fintech provides an API infrastructure that enables banks, NBFCs and online businesses to start payment, banking and lending solutions. Raised $ 56 million in the Series C1 Fundraising Round in January this year.