The 11th NextGen Payments & RegTech Forum 2022 will bring together industry leaders from Greece!
Despite the challenges it has faced in recent years, Greece remains an integral member of the European Union. The Greek government has set out to improve its economy by implementing a nationwide digital transformation that is expected to be completed by 2025. The ongoing pace of transformation is creating new opportunities for organizations to grow through digital innovation, while putting additional pressure on them to adapt. .
Join us at the 11th NextGen Payment & RegTech Forum at QUBE Events September 21-22 to learn about new technologies and digital inclusion, enabling consumerism and driving innovation, the world of digital identities, and more. Don’t miss it. Marriott Hotel in Athens, Greece, 2022.
Join over 30 global thought leaders, including David Bundi, Director of PwC Legal Switzerland. Antonis Dragiotis, Group Chief Risk Officer, Viva Wallet. Michael Diamantoulis, Chief Compliance Officer, Euronet Merchant Services PI. Panagiotis Polydoros, his manager for Mastercard’s Greek country. Makis Savvides, Director of Global Payments and Fraud at Wargaming Group Limited. And Cu Pereira, his leader of the European Commission’s team for retail payments, discusses the latest innovations in the fields of digital, finance and regulation.
Agenda Highlights:
- Payments and Customer Experience (CX)
- Where can the metaverse take fintech?
- Metaverse Opportunities and Challenges
- Investing in policy management technology to develop a compliance program
- Payments as Growth Enablers | Cross-Border and Local Payments
- PSD2 and its upcoming review
- Enabling consumerism and fostering innovation
- Enhanced payment experience
- Regulatory Technology Trends Future Outlook
- New technology and digital inclusivity
- Buy Now Pay Later
- A world of digital identities
- crypto payment
- What next for NFT?
- digital euro on blockchain
- Review of EU payment rules
visit For more detailed agenda insights.
Prominent Speakers:
Join international payments and regtech leaders in global organizations such as:
- Simonas Krpta, Director of Bank of Lithuania
- Christian CH Luckow, Senior Vice President, Tribe Lead, Dankse Bank Payments
- Ceu Periera, Team Leader, European Commission Retail Payments
- Konstantinos Tovil, Senior Vice President, TBI Bank
- David Bundi, PwC Legal Switzerland Director
- Sotiris Syrmakezis, co-founder and CEO of Throo
- Antonis Dragiotis, Group Chief Risk Officer, Viva Wallet
- Freddie Frith, Head of Financial Services, Clausematch
- Makis Savvides, Director of Global Payments and Fraud, Wargaming Group Limited
- Peny Rizou, Director of Global Payments, Etraveli
- Gregorios Siorounis, Founder of Everypay
- Constantinos Frydakis, Managing Partner, Confryd Business Consultants
- Dovil Arlauskaite, Head of Payments Market Supervision, Bank of Lithuania
- Akis Giouchas, Head of Technology and Operations, Optima Bank
- Christoforos Livadiotis, Group Chief AML Officer at XM
- Joanna Kozlowska, Head of AML/CFT, Eurobank
- Georgios Galanis, Governance, Risk and Compliance Expert
- Ani Filipova, Citi Women’s Network Co-Chair, Payments Specialist, Board Member, Lecturer, Speaker
- Elie Beyrouthy, President of the European Payment Institutions Federation (EPIF), Vice President of European Government Relations, American Express
- Sabine Dittrich, Former Head of Global Regulatory Information at UBS
- Forum Chair: Robert Courtneidge, Payments Expert
customer’s voice from the latest
“It’s top notch and always gets the right people on the right team.” American Express
“A guaranteed return on investment from your event before it arrives. This is completely different from other events. True Narrative
“Great event, very interesting, very timely, all topics are current and hot. Very well done.” Bank of Cyprus
“This event has become a must-attend, must-attend event.” EBA clearing
There are opportunities to be involved, to grow, and to be digitally focused. Compliance Laboratory
The 11th Annual NextGen Payments and RegTech Forum serves as the perfect platform to learn, network, explore new business opportunities, and meet expert leaders in the world of payments and regtech.
For information on how to participate, please visit: Or contact the forum organizer directly. [emailprotected]