I saw it on sunday The British Army will be the latest victim of crypto-related social media account hacking. Perpetrators can take control of their official Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube accounts for almost four hours, and within such a time frame, they are vulnerable to clicking phishing links in the guise of a validated NFT collection. Seduced a community member.
As screenshot Of the hacker actions shown, they used the UK Ministry of Defense (MoD) Twitter account and all its important blue ticks, Illegal derivatives In both the “The Possessed” and “BAPESCLANNFT” collections, the former is reported to contain links to fake mint sites.In response, one of the founders of The Possessed posted on his Twitter account. warm Users should not interact with the page.
When he stopped managing MoD’s YouTube page, hackers changed the channel to a channel named Ark Investment. Ark Investment is an investment company founded by Cathie Woods. Here, we streamed interviews with Woods, Twitter Jack Dorsey, Elon Musk and more. These interviews also included a QR code link to crypto-related scams. Stop managing people’s crypto wallets If you click.
Overall, hackers had a window of about 4 hours to perform such malicious operations. Grow He recognized a security breach at 2:00 pm and declared that he had regained control of his account at 5:45 pm.
At this time, it is unknown how much financial damage this exploit has caused. Currently, the amount of assets stolen in this year’s crypto fraud is valued at around $ 1 billion.
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