Another familiar name may be in store for the emerging Web3 world. home depot According to a tweet by trademark attorney Mike Kondodis, the company has applied for 24 Web3 trademarks, including the company’s name, logo and brand. The trademark was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on November 17, 2022.
Trademarks for 17 brands have reportedly been filed, including Hampton Bay, Husky, NFTs, virtual goods and LifeProof, which covers online retailers. We imagine that this could lead to home improvement services in virtual or augmented reality environments coming to the cards.
Improving your virtual home?
of # home depot has filed 24 trademarks for popular brands claiming its name, logo and plans.
Virtual renovation goods
Virtual goods retail store
Promote your products in virtual worlds
more#NFTs #metaverse #Web3 Kondoudis (@KondoudisLaw) November 22, 2022
With the rise of successful projects like Decentraland and The Sandbox, Web3’s applications for retailers like The Home Depot are profitable. This latest move could lead to the development of home improvement goods for use in NFTs, virtual avatars, and the Metaverse.
No need to waste fuel when you can shop from the Metaverse store. All you need is a virtual headset.
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